Creating Lovemarks.
Although there will always be a need to purchase items needed for daily life, consumers are no longer buying things just because you are selling them. They are buying how you make them feel.
Curating an evergreen or seasonal assortment is possibly my favorite part of my job! I stay on top of industry trends so that you don’t have to; attending markets, consistently following tried and true brands for their new assortments, and identifying up and coming brands. I do all of the leg work to produce product plans and their respective budgets, and manage the ordering process if needed.
Generating a line of custom products is a rewarding accolade in the retail world. By analyzing your sales to identify trends and commonalities, I work to suggest and develop new product lines that will perform well in your stores, and have potential to generate wholesale revenue for you in the future. My network of stateside and international manufacturers will helpmeet keep operating costs low to maximize your profits.
Like I say all the time, people are buying how you make them feel. Displaying product inside your store is your first opportunity to tell consumers a story, and to begin creating the lovemark that will build brand loyalty.
Utilizing your evergreen and seasonal product lines and sales data, I will:
Develop visual merchandising calendars that map out how to circulate your products around the store and into various storytelling displays throughout the year
Develop collections that sell well together seasonally, and identify product pairings that will boost your average transaction value (ATV)
Develop merchandising standards to streamline product display elements (jars, risers, baskets, containers) and methods for display (stack heights, quantity depth, signage height, neighboring elements)
I provide thorough plans and strategies for expanding into a new market. From the early stages of location scouting and financial forecasting, each step of the way I will instill more and more confidence in the decisions being made for your expansion. Once the framework is set, I will move to nail down operations and logistics; sales forecasting, assortment curation, staffing, and local/regional elements.
The growth from 1-2 stores to 3+ warrants an investment of time and resources to streamline existing operations. I come in to develop structure and process from daily store operations (opening, closing, data and order storage) to global store operations (software systems, buying, product distribution, shipping procedures, customer service).
Having one store with intentions to grow is reason enough to invest in solid operations from the start. I am able to help you forecast for future expansion in every decision you make; setting yourself up for success in the long run by putting in the extra work up front.
Retail Is Not Dead.
… but the old way of reaching consumers and converting a window shopper into a sale will no longer work. Experiential Marketing, Hospitality, and the Retail landscape have a lot of similarities. They all rely heavily on tapping into human emotion, and survive on creating a connection that builds brand loyalty. For years we have seen the essence of retail shift from a standard brick-and-mortar shop into what is now a full blown experience, often having programming elements to drive in new customers and to create connections with their brand.
The retail space holds a special place in my heart as it is where I got my corporate start. Using experience from my time as a Director of Retail, I support brands when they are making decisions both big and small. Expansion Analysis: on where to open, when to expand, and the operations to help a multi-store landscape seamless. Product and Buying Strategies: how to evolve your inventory throughout the seasons. And lastly, Visual Merchandising Development: Partner the visual structure with your inventory plans so that your space always feels clean, fresh, and inspiring to your consumers.